Thursday, January 14, 2016

Productive Dialogue on Immigration - Onward for Sojourner's

Immigration has always made America stronger.

In today’s climate, when discourse seems increasingly polarized and our communities are ever more global, it’s particularly important to understand how our immigration policies affect those around us.

Whether a child who's separated from her parents because of their legal status, a promising young student determined to study physics and robotics, or an elder seeking care at the end of life, our immigration policies are at play.

Onward's goal is to encourage productive dialogue – in places of worship and book clubs, at the kitchen table or in the blogosphere – about what we can do to make sure that everyone is treated with respect and compassion, wherever they are from.

Drawing on stories about real people (as well as an occasional animated short or a feature film), we hope these resources can help shine light on what, together, we can do to make sure our systems are consistent with our democratic values and our quest for a shared and prosperous future.

View the website and all of its resources here