Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year, New Conversation about Immigration - Blessing Not Burden

"Scripture teaches that immigrants are made in the image of God and that a faithful response to a stranger is to extend welcome.

In the Bible, strangers are often used by God to bring blessing.

We have experienced the blessings that immigrants bring to the U.S., our communities, the economy, the church, and our lives.

So when we hear immigrants described as burdens, we're committed to change the conversation -- whether in our homes, churches, or congressional districts.

We commit to speak the truth: Immigrants are a blessing, not a burden."

Add your voice to the millions calling for just and sensible immigration policy that reflects that immigrants are a #BlessingNotBurden.

Join in changing the conversation about immigrants in the U.S. by signing the pledge at blessingnotburden.org/#sign