Friday, December 6, 2013

The Problem With The Christian Music Industry - Michael Gungor at Awaken Generation

When you remove the soul from music and transplant the body parts and parade it around with some more “positive” lyrics posing as Christian music, then what you have is a musical zombie.

I find something very disingenuous about most Contemporary Christian Music. This is something I can simply feel at a gut level.  It’s that same kind of creep out that you feel when somebody gives a really loud fake laugh. It’s just weird and uncomfortable feeling.

The basic premise of most Contemporary Christian music I've seen is to use whatever musical style you wish as a medium to communicate your message. It’s not about the art, it’s about "the message."  The problem with this is that music is not simply reducible to certain sounding tones and chords. There are emotions and attitudes of different genres of music that are the soul of the music.

So when you remove the soul from music and transplant the body parts (chord changes, instrumentation, dress, lights, and everything but the soul…) and parade it around with some more “positive” lyrics posing as Christian music, then what you have is a musical zombie.

It looks like a human.. It eats like a human… It still walks and makes noise and resembles a human, but it’s not. It’s a zombie. It has no soul. It just uses it’s human body for its own purposes. 

There are a few artists that I know in the Christian industry that are really trying to transcend the inherent limitations and zombying effect of the industry. But the industry as a whole is broken.

We call it Christian, but it’s certainly not based in Christianity. It is based on marketing. That’s it.

The full article is available here