Friday, January 22, 2016

Jesus' Agenda - Nancy Rockwell at Patheos

So many of our candidates profess to be Christian evangelicals – it would be a welcome wonder if one of them were to have the courage to stand up in an ad on TV and read Jesus’ agenda.

In Luke 4, Jesus makes his public announcement of his ministry. He said that he was sent by God's Spirit to bring good news to the poor, release to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim the acceptable year of God, the year of Jubilee.

Not much of this is being focused on in the campaigns this year.

One or two candidates are focusing on the economy and how it effects the poor, but most have a focus on terrorist aggression.

There is more emphasis on keeping the oppressed out of our nation than on helping them go free. And as for the Acceptable Year, which biblically is a year of redistribution of wealth and land; that's a non-starter.

Jesus’ words challenge us to choose to hear that the good news is not for us individually, apart from one another, or privately, through our personal belief.  Rather, the good news is for all, and is revealed in us and through us, as we reach out to embrace one another’s needs.

The full article is available here