Friday, December 23, 2022

Hope and Steadfast Love: Jodi Koeman at CRC Office of Social Justice

Preparing for Christ means hoping and loving. 

We need love in order to live a life that embraces people – no matter who they are, what they look like, where they’ve come from, or how “perfect” or broken they are – and that seeks their flourishing along with all of creation and God’s creatures.

Preparing for Christ means hoping and loving. While our “souls wait for the Lord,” may we actively prepare for Christ by radically loving the world as God loves.

The full article is available here

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Benediction: Unexpected Joy In Everyday Situations (based on Lamentations 3:22-23)

May we be both humble recipients and generous givers of grace so that we might find unexpected joy in everyday situations.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Benediction: From Broken Patterns To Transformative Relationship (based on Proverbs 19:20)

In place of unhelpful patterns and mindsets, God invites us into transformative relationship; both with God and with one another.

So may always be on the lookout for opportunities to join in connectedness and community. They are how we can become human together and fully reflect the image of God.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Benediction: The Infinite Goodness Of God Is Meant To Be Shared (based on Ephesians 3:18)

The bottomless depth of God's mercy, the infinite expanse of God's grace, and the endless wellspring of God's love: all of these are available to us as we join in God's work of restoring all of creation to thriving life.

May we bring hope and light to our corners of this world which God created and called “good.”

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Benediction: God, The Life-Giving Trinity (based on Ephesians 2:22)

The incarnate words that God speaks are the life and sustenance of all things. The life that Jesus gives is the re-creation and renewed birth of all things. The Spirit which dwells within all of us is the inspiration for curiosity, seeking, and wisdom.

May we grow in awareness of how there are opportunities all around us do the work of our life-giving, life-restoring, and life-fulfilling God. May abundant life and grace flow out from us as we work to bring out the best in everyone and everything.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Benediction: Worship God In Hope (based on Luke 3:6)

based on Seasoned Justice by Reformed Worship

As we go from here back to where we live our everyday lives, may we all share God's love! God’s handiwork comes in many different colors, sizes, shapes and cultures. May we all proclaim God's peace!

May our hearts be filled with God’s grace and our hands be busy doing God's work. Now and with each new day, may we worship God in hope!

Benediction: Being The Hands and Feet of God To The World (based on 1 Corinthians 12:27)

As we go now to be God's presence in the world, may our eyes be open so that we see the world as God sees it. As we go now to be Christ's hands and feet in the world, may our hearts be open to both give and receive.  As we go now to be the Spirit's hope for the world, may our minds be open so that we welcome all as having been wonderfully created in the Divine Image. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Benediction: Wrestling With Our Struggles Is The Way To Growth (based on Genesis 32:22-32)

May we hold onto the hope of God’s love even in the midst of struggle. When times of struggle inevitably come our way, may they help to knock loose the anything within us which has gotten stuck or has become stagnant.

May we always seeking to more fully become who we've been designed to be; people who both reflect and put into action the boundless love, compassion, and grace of God. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Benediction - Growing Towards What We Are Designed To Be (based on Romans 13:10)

God desires to help all of us to continue growing towards becoming the loving, giving, and life-filled people which we are designed to be. As recipients of God's bottomless grace, may we be grace-givers in this world which God created and calls "good."

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Benediction: God, Make Us Human Together in Goodness (based on Genesis 1:31)

In our everyday lives in God's world, may we look for the divine spark which is present in everyone and everything. May that awareness of the inherent dignity and worth of all cause compassion to move within us and grace to flow outward from us.

May God's love help to make us human together, by which we will be a true reflection of God's infinite diversity, beauty, goodness, and grace.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Lost In Meaning: Meaning in Leviticus 18:22

A careful philological, literary analysis of the original Hebrew in Leviticus 18:22 seems to show a condemnation of rape and incest.

It turns out that the original Hebrew language in Leviticus 18:22 is more ambiguous than the traditional English translation.

The addition of propositions by English translators alters the verse’s meaning and presupposes a comparison between a “normal” action and a “deviant” action.

The other occurrence of the Hebrew word miÅ¡kevÄ“ in scripture is in Genesis 49:4. That verse explicitly refers the deviant nature of the incestuous activity of Reuben with his father’s concubine, Bilhah.

This understanding of Genesis 49:4 helps Leviticus 18:22 makes sense in the context of its chapter. A large portion of Leviticus 18 proscribes the divine condemnation of incest.  

While Leviticus 18 focuses on the forbidden sexual relationships, Leviticus 20 focuses on the punishment for participating in such relationships. The laws are reordered in Leviticus 20 to emphasize consequences of deviant relationships. The miškevē iššâ is an act that is punished identically to other acts that are clearly incestuous.

The full article is available here

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The 1946 Mistranslation That Introduced The Word "Homosexual" To The Bible - The Forge Online

The Greek word arsenokoitai shows up in several different verse in the Bible, but it wasn't until 1946 that it was mistranslated to mean "homosexual."

For most of European history, most translations properly understood Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Timothy 1:10 and 1 Corinthians 6:9 to be discussing "boy molesters" based on the original Greek word arsenokoitai (for example, the 1674 Swedish translation and the 1830 Norwegian translation). 

The verses were meant to address and ancient world practice in which young boys (8-12 years old) were coupled by older men. Ancient Greek documents show us how even parents utilized that abusive practice to help their sons advance in society. 

The Greek word arsenokoitai shows up in several different verse in the Bible, but it wasn't until 1946 that it was mistranslated to mean "homosexual." The Revised Standard Version made an honest mistake in mistranslating. 

Had it instead taken the time to do the proper research into the historical contextualization, we would have a more accurate translation.  We could have avoided the horrible damage that was done from pulpits all across the U.S. church. Sadly, modern biblical commentaries have adjusted to accommodate the mistranslation.

Interestingly, the German Bible didn't include the word "homosexual" until 1983 thanks to a U.S. company, Biblica, paid for a new translation and influenced it. 

The full article is available here

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Benediction: God Welcomes All Who Seek And Question (based on Matthew 7:7)

Since God created life and the universe in original goodness and can be found anywhere and everywhere in it, of course God welcomes our questions. God also spurs on the growth that often results from us faithfully pursuing our questions.

So may that growth occur in our lives and may we be continually aware of God's surrounding and indwelling presence.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Jesus Would Wear a Mask - CRCNA Network

 "Jesus loved God and loved his neighbors. If Caesar said not to wear a mask but experts said it would protect the vulnerable anyway, Jesus would still have worn a mask."

The full article is available here