Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Church Being Community During COVID-19 - Jodi Koeman at CRC Network

We need to plan how we bring shalom to our communities and neighborhoods. 

Many churches are figuring out how to gather remotely, and while this is important, maybe this is an opportunity to BE the church in a new way.

We’ve been forced outside the church walls. How will we respond? What role does the church have in this crisis?

While we plan to maintain a sense of community among our members, maybe we also need to plan how we bring shalom to our communities and neighborhoods.

These principles, articulated by Cormac Russell of the Asset Based Community Development Institute at Northwestern University, are helpful in guiding us.

  • 1. Citizen-led - We need to follow the guidelines of CDC and other health care providers.
  • 2. Relationship-oriented - While taking social distancing measures seriously, how do we seek out people in our community that need our support?
  • 3. Asset based - What strengths and gifts do you or your church have to bring to this situation and to your community? What strengths are right in your neighborhood?
  • 4.Place-based - Churches are key places for community. We should look out for one another, but now is a prime opportunity to be with those in our local neighborhoods as well.
  • 5.Inclusion-focused - Ask your community what is helpful. Ask community members what they can offer. Don’t assume you know what the most vulnerable need.

The full article is available here