Monday, August 19, 2019

Reflection and Renewal: Moving with the Divine Flow (based on Matthew 11:28-30)

God, you work to make all things new. To help us to be a part of that work, you call us to follow new paths where we can grow into wider understanding, more selfless love, and deeper compassion.

To prevent us from becoming stunted spiritually, you call us to continually surrender our ego to the flow of your divine love and grace.  Yet we so often cling tightly to what we've known so far.  The unknown often elicits feelings of fear and anxiety in us, because we worry that we won't be able to control what we aren't familiar with yet.

And others of us prefer to charge ahead at our own pace or down whichever path we come across  without a second thought because need to be the one in control.

So God, help us to trust that the flow of your mercy, wisdom, and love is where we need to live. May we willing to allow it move us along and guide us.  When we're hesitant and afraid, give us courage and  strength. When we're impatient and foolhardy, slow us down. Give us calm and clarity.

Help us to move in sync with the unforced rhythms of your grace.