Wednesday, July 17, 2019

God's Love Isn't Limited By Legal Status - Do Justice

Every human being is made in God's image. As a result, we are commanded to treat all human life with respect and kindness.

It is clear that God loves immigrants, who are among the most vulnerable members of society. An ancestor of Jesus, Ruth was an immigrant and benefited from God's concrete love through the laws that God gave to the Israelite tribes that made provision for the poor and the immigrant.

God's love for the immigrant is also revealed in the life of Jesus. In Matthew 2, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus took refuge in Egypt when King Herod ordered the mass execution of Jewish boys of a certain age. Their lives were at stake, so Egypt became their temporary home.

God's love extends beyond legal status or country of origin. God does not give us the job of judging whether anyone is worthy of  love. Every human being in God's image. As a result, we are commanded to treat all human life with respect and kindness.

Can we overcome our obstacles? Can we overcome our fears? Can we love like Jesus loved? God's love requires that we no longer hold the stranger at arms-length because of Jesus’ radical identification with the least of these.

The full article is available here