Friday, December 28, 2018

New Year Reflection and Renewal: Give Us Awareness

God, for some of us, the forthcoming New Year brings feelings of excitement, empowerment, and anticipation. We look back and feel fulfilled in what we have achieved in the last year and look forward to what we will take on in the coming year.

However, for some of us, the passing of another year simply adds to the tally of days, weeks, months, and years of hardship. A New Year arriving reminds us of how long we've been in pain, of how long we've felt incomplete, of how long we've seen injustice, cruelty, prejudice, hate, and violence continue to do damage in your world, God; of how long we've been waiting for something good to come our way.

From whatever condition we find ourselves in God, hear our prayer.

If we feel fulfilled and at ease, give us empathy for those who are suffering and help us to be your hands and feet to them. If we are suffering, help us to notice where some answers to our prayers may already be waiting for us in the world you created and called "good."
