Monday, December 10, 2018

Advent Reflection: Who Exactly Is "God With?" - CRC Office of Social Justice

If the gospel of Emmanuel is to be good news to all things - then now is the time for that gospel to be proclaimed and lived like never before.

In Colossians, Paul writes that, in Christ, God is “pleased to reconcile to himself all things” (Col. 1:20).  All people, of course. But “all things” means a whole new ball game. The creation belongs to God, and he is reconciling all of it.

At this moment in history, this is good news like never before - and an unprecedented challenge. That’s because in less than 50 years, our earth has lost more than half of all of its mammals, fish, reptiles, and birds. They, who once flourished with their Creator’s blessing, have dwindled under the heavy hand of habitat destruction, pollution, and exploitation.

If the gospel of Emmanuel is to be good news to all things - then now is the time for that gospel to be proclaimed and lived like never before.

The full article is available here