Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Danger of Demagogues - Leonard Vander Zee in The Banner

For the welfare of the United States, the guarding of its civil discourse, and the spiritual guidance of the church, Donald Trump needs to be called out for the demagogue that he is.

I have been hearing the word “demagogue” lately in the media. A demagogue is defined as "a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument."

It’s a dangerous thing for an editor of a denominational magazine to get into politics, but sometimes the situation calls for it. Something pernicious (another good word: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way) is going on, and it needs to be called out.

According to the definition above, I think it is safe to say that one U.S. presidential candidate fits the definition of demagogue. His dismissive and prejudicial language about various groups of people, his slanderous statements about fellow candidates, his cavalier attitude toward the truth, all tend to appeal to voters’ basest instincts and legitimize their prejudices.

And to top it off, he is no longer a fringe candidate, a political curiosity, but the front-runner for a national party.

For the welfare of the United States, the guarding of its civil discourse, and the spiritual guidance of the church, Donald Trump needs to be called out for the demagogue that he is.

The full article is available here