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Awakening to Reformation by Leslie Young Marks |
For many in the church today, there is a feeling that things are not right, not as they should be. Those who seek to change this status quo may follow one of three pathways; anarchy, iconoclasm or reform.
“Anarchist” is a pejorative label for many people, a designation implying lawlessness and amorality. “Iconoclast” is a milder designation, implying a particular vendetta on a volatile issue. “Reformer” has a positive aura, but can imply hopeless and unending do-goodism, talk without results.
A reformer sees the inefficiencies and offensiveness of a system and seeks to repair or replace corrupt elements, thereby revitalizing the whole.
A reformer does not see the current state as irredeemable, but also knows that reform is a never ending process, that we can always do better.
A reformer does not see the current state as irredeemable, but also knows that reform is a never ending process, that we can always do better.
The reformer’s agenda is never-ending. Tough questions are asked and hard answers are given. Yet as with any organization, reform is slow and can be frustrating.
Karl Barth wrote, ecclesia semper reformanda est, the church is ever-reforming. The church we grew up in was not the church our grandparents grew up with. Change is inevitable. Our choice is to be agents of change.
The full article is available here
The full article is available here