Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Let's Partner Towards Reducing CO Emissions - CRC Network

Climate change is one of the most pressing moral issues of our lifetime, but when it comes to offering lament, seeking forgiveness, and working toward solutions, the church is often nowhere to be found.

In a warming world where local fisheries are collapsing, soil is degrading, sea levels are rising, and more and more people are being driven from their homes, why has the church remained so quiet?

The Christian Reformed Church believes that the global church has a crucial and necessary role to play if the world is to begin adequately addressing the threat of climate change. It’s high time that the church stands up and is heard, and the CRC is planning an exciting campaign to begin to do just that. Here are the basics:

Governments from all over the world will be gathering in Paris in November/December, 2015 for the 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21), where a potential global treaty on carbon emissions will be negotiated.The CRC will spend the summer and fall of 2015 recruiting 30 congregations in the United States and Canada and providing them with resources to educate themselves on creation care in general and the COP 21 process in particular.

In November, a group of 3-4 CRC members will travel to Paris to represent the CRC and participate in the negotiation process. They will also communicate regularly with the 30 congregations back in North America with on-the-ground updates and analyses.

After COP 21, these 30 congregations will be empowered to engage in a number of advocacy efforts to make sure that the progress emerging from the meetings in Paris is translated into concrete policy back home.

The full article is available here