Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reflection and Renewal: Not Seeking Guidance (based on John 9:1-3)


Sometimes we struggle in dealing with the unknown. Sometimes we worry about all the unanswerable questions and what other people might think, so we stay on the sidelines of life and don't engage your world.

Sometimes we see the unknown as a thrilling thing.  But sometimes, instead of discerning what we are doing and seeking to be guided, we charge ahead full-speed, following our own instincts and desires.
When we do that, we forget to take the time to consider other’s needs or the impact of our actions on their lives.

Other times we have a severely limited view of what you can do, where you can do it, or with and through whom you can work. In our hunger for certainty, we are blind to how big and all-encompassing
your love is, so we can’t imagine you doing and being more than the boxes we try to put you in.

Often we do these things without a second thought.  But even when we try to trust in your way and follow your guidance, we all-too-easily slip into our old, familiar ways of thinking.

So we ask for forgiveness. Help us to have the faith to trust that what you've asked us to do is what we should be doing.  Help us to care for your world and where you've called us to be active in it.

Forgive us for when we've missed the point. Thank you for extending grace to us time and time again.
