Sunday, October 5, 2014

How’s Our Comprehension? Kayla McClurg in inward/outward

We are not meant for violence and greed. Aggressive love and forgiveness are our calling, not aggressive apathy or aggressive avoidance of the realities of war and poverty and the destruction of our earth home. 

In elementary school I remember getting high marks for Reading Skills but not quite as high for what was called Comprehension. Similarly, we can “read” Jesus quite fluently without truly comprehending him. 

It is easy to point at the chief priests and elders who were listening to Jesus without comprehending and call them slow, but the rest of us are not winning any races when it comes to comprehending some of the most basic truths. 

People of forgiveness, called to be heralds of peace, yet too often silent and complicit in greed and violence. Called to extreme generosity and the rule of love, we seem unable to grasp the seriousness of our failing to steward the earth and one another.

We have been entrusted with an awesome responsibility to care for all creation. We are not meant for violence and greed. Aggressive love and forgiveness are our calling, not aggressive apathy or aggressive avoidance of the realities of war and poverty and the destruction of our earth home. 

Isn’t it time to slap our global forehead in disbelief that we have been such thoughtless stewards? Isn’t it time to beg collectively for pardon and seek to make amends? Or we can just keep plodding along, acting and reacting mindlessly, reading the signs of these times without comprehending. It is our choice. I wonder what kind of marks we will receive.

The full article is available here