Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Lament For Immigration Reform - Kris Van Engen in Do Justice.

To us immigration reform will never be dead until we can look in our own communities and see an immigration system that keeps families together and gives workers a chance at legal status.

Nehemiah could not ignore the dangerous state of the city he loved. The gates had been burned. 
So, Nehemiah spoke to his king and asked for permission to go and rebuild the city.

This plan sparked fear in the land. Opponents immediately took action to thwart the plans of Nehemiah. They undermined the rebuilding process in every creative way possible—they sent made-up messages to public officials, mocked workers, schemed to stop progress, and threatened Nehemiah’s life.  
Nehemiah held onto his vision and refused to give up. He asked the inhabitants of the city to focus on rebuilding their own backyards. In a surprising amount of time the city was rebuilt.
We speak for immigration reform in our own backyards. It has nothing to do with political timeframes or on-again off-again media storylines. To us immigration reform will never be dead until we can look in our own communities and see an immigration system that keeps families together and gives workers a chance at legal status.

This work for reform is a noble cause. We do it hand in hand with real people, neighbors, who we love. We are not alone in our efforts. Let’s keep praying with courage. Let’s keep focused on the work in our own backyard and let’s persist in speaking to our lawmakers until we see reform. 

The full article is available here