Monday, July 7, 2014

A Lament for Immigration Reform - Kate Kooyman in Do Justice

I'm happy sowing those seeds when we're close to our goal; but when I need to take the long view, when I need to pick up my bag of seeds and keep sowing in spite of the sure truth that nothing is going to grow, I get weary.

We had a hard week, justice seekers.
 John Boehner announced that immigration reform isn't going to happen this year. Though we have the votes to pass a bill, a bill won't come to a vote.

Families suffering separation, farmers under the stress of a 70% illegal workforce, communities bearing the strain of the thousands of traumatized children seeking safety...all this will continue. Immigrants will continue to bear the weight of this injustice.

It's hard for me to be a Christian in these times. I'm happy sowing those seeds when we're close to our goal; but when I need to take the long view, when I need to pick up my bag of seeds and keep sowing in spite of the sure truth that nothing is going to grow, I get weary.

I'd rather throw down that bag and cry. I'd rather argue with the God who is in control of all of this, convince God that the time is now. The seeds are good. The soil is ready. Do something. 
I'd rather demand that river of justice than sit around singing about it. Find someone to weep with today, friends of justice. But sow those seeds.

The full article is available here