Saturday, April 26, 2014

Reflection and Renewal: Healthy Growth vs Wanting Power or Remaining Stuck (based on Matthew 3:10)

God, your hope is that we would all grow in compassion, mercy, and kindness together as your creation; that we would be a web of grace, interwoven together.

Even though we say we want this kind of healthy growth, our lives show just the opposite all too often. Sometimes we strive to grow great and powerful so that we can dominate others and have control.  Other times we grow cynical, selfish, and apathetic. And sometimes our growth gets stunted because we’re stuck somehow and are unable to thrive.

God, we need your grace. Help us to reorient our desires and priorities.

Where we’re stuck, help us to see the next step to get unstuck. Steer us towards what you've designed to be; grace and love to and for one another.
