Friday, September 13, 2019

Reflection and Renewal: The Dignity Of All Divine Image-Bearers (based on Genesis 1:27)

God, we give thanks for the original goodness in which you created everything. Your grace, which surrounds us and dwells within your entire universe, is a pure gift without limit.

When we forget these truths, we sometimes call our very humanity itself "unclean," despite the fact that you created us in your divine image and called it “good.”

Help us to be aware of times when we - either knowingly or unknowingly - have caused your goodness to be hidden or masked. Forgive us for when we’ve shied away from the restorative work of removing obstacles to your abundant life and grace.

Remind us once again that you see us as precious, worthwhile, and having priceless value. Forgive us for when we have allowed voices other than yours to tell us that some people are somehow not equally and  fully human, are of lesser worth, and have no value.

Help us to remove our distorted lenses of pride and fear so that we can clearly see your reflection when we look at ourselves and when we look at your world.
