Saturday, June 15, 2019

Reflection and Renewal: When We Get Off Track From "Your Kingdom Come" (based on Matthew 6:10)

God, you created the universe in goodness. Jesus taught us to pray and work for the restoration of that original goodness; to strive to help your kingdom come here and now - as it is in heaven - by seeking peace, justice, and mercy.

We have to admit that we often do a less-than-perfect job of that work. Sometimes without even meaning to, we allow ourselves to be guided by a different narrative; one that tells us to win at all costs, to see our fellow beings as competitors to be stepped on or over so that we come out ahead, and to fear anything that is unfamiliar or different.

So God, when we get off track, help us to realign our lives with your mission. Help us to be about the work that we're designed to be doing - helping to bring out the best in everyone and everything.
