Wednesday, May 15, 2019

It’s Time For New Church Music Metaphors - Craig Greenfield

I guess I'd like something more in church music; something grittier, something truer to my context.

There are a ton of nature metaphors we go back to time and time again in church music. Our Creator God made all this and it is definitely good.

However, it’s not a complete picture of my day to day reality. Nor does it reflect the day to day reality of most of my neighbors.

I guess I'd like something more in church music; something grittier, something truer to my context.

As Pete Rollins points out, a church that only knows how to celebrate can become like a spiritual crack house - a place we go to get our regular fix, our weekly high (which has to get more and more intense in order to give the same satisfaction).

I'd like to sing from the reality of the world I live in. I'd like to learn how to see and connect with God while surrounded by people, not just individualistically in nature.

And I'd like to sing through the tears I shed for the brokenness around me.

The full article is available here