Friday, February 1, 2019

5 Things To Remember/Advocate for During “Border Crisis” & Budget Negotiations - CRCNA

The synod of the Christian Reformed Church in North America has long advocated for a fair and just immigration system that honors the inherent dignity of immigrants and refugees.

Members of Congress need to hear from the faith community.

With this in mind, we as the Church uphold these 5 important points to remember and advocate for in this time of “border crisis” and budget negotiations.
1. We can have a secure border and humane border policy.
2. We can protect the asylum-seeking process, which is legal.
3. We can invest in aid, development, and just solutions to migrations’ root causes.
4. We can continue to protect children.
5. We can find permanent solutions for Dreamers and TPS recipients.

Using our action alert, you can urge your Congressperson to ensure that:
  • funding for border security will also protect the safety of and access to legal protections for immigrants and asylum-seekers; it is harmful and disingenuous to only be funding and talking about a border wall
  • and that the truth is told about immigrants: immigrants are a blessing to our economy, public safety, and overall stability in the United States.  Changing our immigration system should reflect this truth by increasing paths to legal immigration, not creating harmful, inhumane deterents.
The full article is available here