Friday, November 9, 2018

Christian Humanitarian Group Responds To Trump Trying To Change US Asylum Law - World Relief
"To attempt to restrict the right to request asylum is both morally troubling and legally questionable,” said World Relief senior vice president Emily B. Gray. 

"Our staff have witnessed those seeking asylum being told to wait for several weeks before being allowed to lawfully present their claims at the port of entry, which is why some have availed themselves of the legal option of requesting asylum elsewhere, as explicitly permitted by U.S. law.

To attempt to restrict the right to request asylum is both morally troubling and legally questionable,” said World Relief senior vice president Emily B. Gray.

“While we call upon our government to follow U.S. law as it adjudicates each case, we also are mindful of the role of the church," said World Relief president Scott Arbeiter.

"Jesus instructs to love our neighbors, and he made clear in his parable of the Good Samaritan that the ‘neighbor’ whom we are called to love could specifically include a foreign traveler in need."

"We encourage Christians throughout the country to respond with Christ-like compassion to the plight of these individuals, and to advocate with our elected officials to ensure that life-saving asylum protections within U.S. law are not disregarded.”

The full article is available here