Wednesday, August 29, 2018

When Christians Sell Out To Empire For Political Power - Religious News Service

What is the cost of this wholesale Religious Right sellout? Among other concerns ... is the plight of persecuted Christians and other religious minorities around the world, as well as Muslims fleeing terrorism and civil war fought with chemical weapons, who have been all but abandoned by the Trump’s near shutdown of the long-standing U.S. refugee resettlement program.

On August 27, the Trump White House hosted something like a state dinner to "honor the leadership of American evangelicals."

Many cabinet members were present, along with the president, the first lady and dozens of members of the group of informal evangelical advisers (Religious Right leaders mainly) who enjoy unique access to President Trump, including Trump's spiritual advisor Paula White; the 3x married heretical prosperity gospel preacher.

It’s the latest puzzling contradiction raised by evangelicals working in the service of a president whose character and so many of his policies stand in direct contradiction to the words of Jesus.

What is the cost of this wholesale Religious Right sellout? Among other concerns is the plight of persecuted Christians and other religious minorities around the world, as well as Muslims fleeing terrorism and civil war fought with chemical weapons, who have been all but abandoned by the president’s near shutdown of the long-standing U.S. refugee resettlement program.

However, it's not surprising that most of the president’s evangelical supporters are not lobbying on behalf of Muslim refugees. Some of them were calling for a Muslim ban before Donald Trump did. Inexplicably ... soul-wrenchingly ... fully 3/4 of white evangelicals supported the president’s initial executive order barring refugees and Muslims from entering the country.  (A refresher on Jesus' Good Samaritan parable would seem to be in order).

The full article is available here