Thursday, May 24, 2018

'Whatever' Isn't An Option For Immigrant Children - Bethany Christian Services CEO Chris Palusky

"[Trump administration] actions are not consistent with the ideals of our nation. Instead, they undermine protections for vulnerable children."

Trump chief of staff John Kelly acknowledged in a recent interview with NPR that family separation “could be a tough deterrent” to illegal immigration.

In that same interview, the White House chief of staff argued that it wasn’t cruel and heartless to take children like Jose away from their parents because, “The children will be taken care of – put into foster care or whatever.”

Community organizations like Bethany stand ready to help these children find loving, temporary foster homes. We were disturbed, however, to learn what Kelly meant when he said “whatever”—and it isn’t what is best for children.

Citing an email sent to staff at the Pentagon, the Washington Post recently revealed that the Trump administration is preparing to hold unaccompanied immigrant children or children who have been separated from their parents at military bases.

These actions are not consistent with the ideals of our nation. Instead, they undermine protections for vulnerable children.

As Congress and the Trump administration consider actions to curb the numbers of children and families seeking refuge in the United States, I urge them to remember these immigrants have become integral members of our communities, our neighbors, and our friends.

The full article is available here.