Wednesday, December 27, 2017

It Was Not A Silent Night - Rewrite by Jeff Wiersma

It was not a silent night
there was pain, and joy, and fright
A first time mother, far from her home
Forced, far to travel, by edicts from Rome
A young woman's cries echoed out
that night in King David's town

It was not a silent night
the barn floor cold, the cattle and flies
Mary is screaming in labor and pain
sweat and fear upon her face
with blood and tears on the ground
that night in King David's town

It was not a silent night
as Joseph watched with worried eyes
Held Mary's hand as he knelt on the floor
joy at the screams of the newborn
Love incarnate came down
that night in King David's town

Love incarnate came down
that night in King David's town