Friday, October 27, 2017

The Gospel Is Good News Or It Is Nothing At All - Jacob Wright

Jesus’ gospel affirms the original goodness of humanity created in the image of God. Any “gospel” that emphasizes continually repenting of "wretchedness" and begging God for mercy is no gospel at all. 

Any “gospel” that emphasizes shame and sin-consciousness instead of a new creation and restoration is no gospel at all.

Any “gospel” that emphasizes continually repenting of "wretchedness" and begging God for mercy is no gospel at all.

Any “gospel” that oppresses people with the need to be in fear and anguish over people for the eternal destiny of their souls is no gospel at all.

Any “gospel” that says your true nature is a wretch that must only approach God with groveling and self-deprecation is not the gospel that Jesus preached.

Any “gospel” that causes one to be weighed down with spiritual gloom on top of the already weighty concerns of life that we have to deal with every day is not the gospel Jesus preached.

Jesus’ gospel lifts the weight, not adds to it. Jesus’ gospel affirms the original goodness of humanity created in the image of God. It declares the bright shining hope that Jesus is universal Lord, the One whose empathy and forgiveness and love is for all humanity; not that a devil will drag the vast majority of humans who’ve ever existed down to eternal torment and that it’s up to Christians to make sure people are “saved.”

I reject a “gospel” that adds loads of spiritual heaviness to the weight of sadness and darkness that we all will deal with as humans. Yes, Jesus' gospel does call us (corporately, not individually) out of selfish and unloving behaviors and it does excoriate the systems that dehumanize us and lead us to victimize each other.

However, the gospel is light and hope and peace and joy for all! It is good news or it is nothing at all.