Monday, January 23, 2017

Getting to Know Your Muslim Neighbors - The Banner

Our faith moves us to embrace people who are different from us.

I know a lot of Christians who are interested in relating with Muslims these days.

Some are learning Arabic or visiting mosques. Others are striking up conversations with Muslim business owners in their communities. While their approaches differ, all of these folks seem to be compelled by the same motivation: Christ’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves.

We don’t need to be experts on Islam to relate to Muslims. In fact, relationships are the best way for us to learn about Islam. While our brokenness makes us good at “othering”—ascribing evil motives to those who are different from us—our faith moves us to embrace our neighbor.

How magnificent it is that a Reformed theological understanding of the world affirms and encourages this kind of engagement!  Our faith moves us to embrace people who are different from us.

The full article is available here