Thursday, November 26, 2015

Giving Thanks As A Life Changing Dynamic - Fred Plumer

When we are thankful it is usually for things and events when we get what we thought we wanted.

Living with thankfulness is not just about things that we have acquired or have been given. It is not even about good things that have happened. Being in-thankfulness is a way of living. It is a way of being aware. It is a way of being conscious. It is a way of discovering a new perspective; a new reality.

We are often one-dimensional in our thinking. We tend to think in terms of the material. We become score keepers for life based on things we think of as measurable. When we are thankful it is usually for things and events when we get what we thought we wanted.

This way of being ignores the multi-dimensions of existence-those things that bring us a more fulfilling happiness if we are open to them, i.e. beauty, grace, love, growth, intimacy. All too often, I suspect we pay less attention to what is happening in our relationships, to our souls, in the very essence or the beauty of all that is around us and within us then we do to our financial balance sheet. We concern ourselves far too much with how we are matching up with others.

The 2nd thing this kind of thinking ignores is that every day provides an abundance of lessons for life; every day can be a teacher. Let’s face it. Most of us know that some of our most painful experiences provide our greatest and often most profound lessons. We don’t necessarily choose to go through them but we can decide to learn what we can from them with a faith that says, someday I will look back on this and realize that there was an incredible gift in this experience.

The full article is available here