Monday, July 6, 2015

Reflection and Renewal: May We Weep As You Weep and Love As You Love (based Isaiah 1:17)


We are often preoccupied with ourselves, with what we want, and with what will make us feel comfortable. With our focus zoomed in ourselves, those who are suffering and need help are often totally off of our radar.

Remind us again of the things that you require of us; to learn to do good; to seek justice, to rescue the oppressed, to defend the orphan and to plead for the widow.

Forgive our short-sighted vision. Enable us to see this life as a gift from you to be shared. Fill our hearts with your love for all who suffer oppression, injustice, neglect and poverty, even if it means moving us beyond our comfort zones.

May we weep as you weep and love as you love. Deepen our connection with you and all that surrounds us.
