Thursday, May 7, 2015

Immigration Preaching Challenge - CRC Office of Social Justice

Preaching about immigration is a way in which we can respond to God’s call to be truth tellers, to make the gospel relevant to our context today, and to be aware of the burdens that the body of Christ is bearing in our midst.

Did you know that only 16% of evangelicals have ever heard about immigration in church? As a result, fewer than 10% think about immigration primarily from the perspective of their faith.

The theme of immigration is woven throughout the biblical narrative. Still, immigrants find themselves on the margins. Society projects its struggles onto new immigrants. Xenophobia, stigma, and myth tend to color the reception of newcomers.

A quick study of the history of U.S. immigration policy reveals that misinformation has resulted in harmful immigration laws that are not based on reality. The majority of new immigrants are Christians--and when one part of the body suffers, we all suffer.

Preaching about immigration is a way in which we can respond to God’s call to be truth tellers, to make the gospel relevant to our context today, and to be aware of the burdens that the body of Christ is bearing in our midst. Your congregation is hearing about immigration from lots of places--but they need most to hear about it from you.

Take the challenge! Submit a recording (with a written outline) or a complete manuscript of a sermon you preached about immigration to by September 30, 2015.

The full article is available here