Friday, March 27, 2015

Subversive Little Crumbs - Joe Kay in Sojourner's

Jesus broke bread in radical ways. No wonder the self-important wanted to get rid of him.

He broke it and gave it to whoever wanted some. He transformed an ordinary loaf into something extraordinary: A moment of unqualified love for whoever needed love at that moment.

 He invited those who were treated as outsiders to join the meal as VIPs.

In that day, meals were a reflection of the social order. The self-important sat in the favored spots and received the best food — kind of like today. They looked down upon everyone else, perhaps deeming them lazy or unworthy. Someone who should be ignored instead of loved.

That’s not how he saw it.

He shared the loaf equally and unconditionally. He challenged the notion that some of us deserve the bread more than others, or that some have earned it in some way. He adamantly opposed those who ignored the needy and judged others as unworthy.

Jesus broke bread in radical ways. No wonder the self-important wanted to get rid of him.

The full article is available here