Friday, February 20, 2015

Jesus: A Denouncer Of Piety - Frederick Buechner

When Jesus said, "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword," what he presumably meant was that it was not passivity that he came to bring.

Christ was a denouncer of a narrow and loveless piety, the scourge of the merely moral, the enemy of every religious tradition of his day, no matter how sacred, that did not serve the Kingdom as he saw it and embodied it in all its wildness and beauty.

Where he was, passion was, life was. To be near him was to catch life from him the way sails catch the wind.

When Jesus said, "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword," what he presumably meant was that it was not peacefulness and passivity that he came to bring.

Instead, he came to bring that high and life-breathing peace that burns at the hearts only of those who are willing to do battle, as he did battle, to bring to pass God's loving, healing, forgiving will for the world and all its people.

The full article is available here