Thursday, September 4, 2014

Reflection and Renewal: Not Living and Giving Abundant Life (based on John 10:10)

God, your grace and love strives to bring forth abundant life. When that fullness is thwarted by forces of oppression, self-centeredness, and greed, your spirit is heard in the groaning of all creation for peace and wholeness.

Sometimes we are unintentionally complicit - by proxy - in the wrongs done in your world. Sometimes we have remained on the sidelines when you have called us to be conduits of grace. Sometimes we resist letting your love lead us beyond our fear. And sometimes - even when we are trying our best to live and give abundant life - we don't get it right. 

So we come asking for forgiveness and healing.

Help us to surrender the narrow lenses which limit our vision. Help us to see the world as you do and help us to listen for your everyday nudges with open ears, hearts, and minds.
