Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Responsive Call To Worship: God's Presence and Absence (based on Psalm 22)

Reader: God, there are times that we come to you
when we feel at peace and see your world in wonder.
ALL: But there also times that we
come to you in agony and despair.

Reader: There are times when we it seems
like all that we can see is all of the hurt and
pain in our own lives and in your world.
ALL: At these, the suffering seems
so endless and insurmountable.

Reader: In these moments, we ask, as even
Jesus did, “Where are you God?!?”
ALL:  And like Jesus, we believe that
you are there to be lamented to, even if we
don't understand why you sometimes feel so distant.

Reader: So before the mystery of both your presence and
your seeming absence, we wait for you.
ALL: Help us to seek you where you can be found.