Thursday, March 20, 2014

Responsive Call to Worship: Finding God In Times of Trouble (based on Lamentations 3:22-24)

     Longing To Be Loved - Unknown

Reader: God, we need to remember that your love is bottomless.
All: Your mercy doesn't fade-out.

Reader:There's no bottom of the barrel when it comes to your grace.
All: Help us to remember this and to remind each other of it, especially when it feels least true.

Reader: When doubt, fear, and every kind of trouble surrounds us, we often wish to escape.
All: But God, these times do not mean that we are alone. You remain within and around us.

Reader: When we begin to look for you with this in mind, we then begin to see you everywhere.
All: It's because of this tenacious, messy, real-life love for us that we feel the need to give praise.

Reader: God, thank you for those who are your hands and feet to us.
All: Thank you for the privilege of being your hands and feet to others.

Reader: The joy and gratitude we feel for the way that you provide for us is overflowing.
All: This is the reason that we sing and give praise.