Saturday, December 28, 2013

Birthing A Different World - Susan Morely at Inward/Outward

Mary sings from the cave of her heart about what her child's birth will mean.  Be not naïve, for the words that follow are not so sweet. They point to a world about to be upended, where values will be shaken up and the mainstream way of life will be overturned by the birth of the child within her womb. 

Birthing a baby is more than enough challenge, but a new world! Yikes!

Advent is upon us and I am keenly aware of the craving for a different world.  Yet inner movements remain subtle. Clues often are all that will be given.

Mary’s story, and her cousin Elizabeth’s, is in another time when corrupt leaders, exploitation of the poor, controversial policies and dangers prevail.  In her song (the Magnificat), Mary sings from the cave of her heart about what her child's birth will mean. 

Be not naïve, for the words that follow are not so sweet. They point to a world about to be upended, where values will be shaken up and the mainstream way of life will be overturned by the birth of the child within her womb. 

The stories of these two women, grounded and joyous in the face of the mysteries they carry, show the way. We are the different world God longs to bring forth.  Advent is the time to ground ourselves in reality, difficult or not, and empty out space enough to receive Love.

The full article is available here