Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Youth Generate Unique Multi-Faith Community in Switzerland - Ekklesia

At Bossey participants also engaged in sharing different expressions of prayer and spirituality, along with attending scholarly lectures and taking part in plenaries and group discussions.

Young people of the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths have recently created a unique community at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Switzerland. Together they seek to break religious stereotypes, promote mutual respect and enhance their understanding of religions beyond the conflict paradigm.

Taking part in a summer course titled “Building an Interfaith Community”, these young adults were hosted by the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey in Switzerland from 12 to 30 August 2013.

“The course is an opportunity for me to learn about religions other than mine,” said Oriya Gorgi, a 21-year-old participant of Jewish faith, from Ashdod, Israel.

Gorgi went on to say that her experience at Bossey has challenged her perceptions based on media reports that often depict religion merely as a source of communal divisions.

“Our faiths have more commonalities than we think,” she said.

At Bossey participants also engaged in sharing different expressions of prayer and spirituality, along with attending scholarly lectures and taking part in plenaries and group discussions.

The full article is available here