Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Worship: The Myth of "Christian" Music - Jonathan Malm at Sunday Mag

The terms “secular” and “sacred” are myths when it comes to music. “Christian music” is not Christian. And frankly, neither is "Worship" music. Music is music.

Many of the songs the church sings that have been designated as "Worship" by a for-profit "Christian" record industry are deeply flawed.

They’re filled with bad doctrine or misleading messages (not to mention distorted theology). That’s why it’s important to be careful what songs we sing (and the terminology we use to describe them).

Too many Christians get all their doctrine from the songs they sing. Let’s step beyond calling five songs “worship”. Let’s start seeing this as a bigger experience than just a block of music. The tool of worship is never supposed to be worshiped. When that happens we have an idol.

The terms “secular” and “sacred” are myths when it comes to music. “Christian music” is not Christian. And frankly, neither is "Worship" music. Music is music.

The full article is available here