Thursday, September 19, 2013

Time For Musicians Who Are Christians To Step Up Creative Game - Chris Queen

"We can find a few exceptions, but for the most part, the Christian music industry produces substandard art."

These days I can’t turn on Christian radio without turning it off almost as quickly. Christian radio fills the airwaves with cliche after cliche – vapid Jesus cheer leading and bland scripture reading put to poor quality music. Again, we can find a few exceptions, but for the most part, the Christian music industry produces substandard art.

It seems like there’s a lot of mediocre art of all kinds out there with the “Christian” label on it. Why do we believers let that happen? Why do we let so much make the cut that wouldn't make it anywhere else? Why should we as Christians sacrifice excellence for content?

If we serve and love such a creative God, we should be creative people. Christians who are artists should realize that all of their lives belong to God and that they honor Him through excellence, not through how many times His name is mentioned or how many scriptural truths are shown or quoted. I believe that art that purports to bear the name of Jesus Christ but is mediocre is no art at all and that anything a believer does that is less than excellent does Him a disservice.

It’s high time for Christian artists to up the ante on creativity, and it’s time for Christians to demand creativity from musicians.

The full article is available here

See also ...
5 Reasons to Kill "Christian" Music