Sunday, August 20, 2023

Benediction: The Good Shepherd's Abundant Life (based on John 10:10)

May the peace of Jesus go with us now to wherever life takes us. May it guide us through the times of wilderness and storm.  May it accompany us in times of contentment and calm.

Let's allow it to cause abundant life to grow within us, and let's share that abundant life with all as we strive to do God’s work of bringing out the very best in everyone and everything.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Benediction: Not Growing Weary In Doing Good (based on Galatians 6:9-10)

In our everyday lives, may we never grow tired of doing what is right. May we seek justice for all of God’s children and follow Jesus’ example of welcoming everyone.

May we not grow weary of pouring out hope and peace as we seek to nurture The Spirit’s seeds of life and love.