Monday, December 25, 2023

The Earthiness Of The Story Of Christmas Is Why It Still Resonates With Me - Jeff Wiersma

The earthiness and grittiness of the story of Christmas is why it still continues to resonate with me, because the reality is that everyday life can sometimes - or oftentimes - be really difficult for a lot of us. 

Perhaps my favorite thing about the story of Christmas is that it is so relatable to real life.  After all, the story doesn’t take place in luxurious palaces or a golden crib, and the characters in it aren’t the "who’s who" of society nor those living in comfort and privilege. 

Rather, the story involves everyday people living ordinary lives; who - in the midst of them - are receptive to the part which they can play in helping the extraordinary love of God to enter into our world.

This earthiness and grittiness of the story of Christmas is why it still continues to resonate with me, because the reality is that everyday life can sometimes - or oftentimes - be really difficult for a lot of us. 

And despite everything - despite how life can be really difficult sometimes, despite how the world can feel really heavy, despite the disappointments which I’ve had over the years which can cause me to tend toward cynicism, in spite of those times when things can feel hopeless, and despite how consumerism and religious pop culture has sentimentalized, domesticated, and commodified the holiday - I can’t be untouched or unaffected by the simple beauty and hope of the story of Christmas.  

Even during times when my instinctual reaction is to try to wall myself off from it, or to try achieve some emotional distance from it; the Christmas story's real life hope and beauty somehow work their way into my heart and soul, regardless of my stubborn efforts to prevent it. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Advent Benediction: Good News Of Great Joy To All People (based on Luke 1:46-55, Matthew 4:16)

Like Jesus' mother Mary, may we rejoice in the fact that the gift of God's love and grace is available to everyone; even those who society sees as having low status and those who are marginalized by the forces of greed and power.

The angels rejoiced in the same message when they proclaimed to the shepherds that Christ’s birth was “good news of great joy for all people.”

Like Mary, may we be mindful of this extraordinary source of hope. May it sustain us when life brings unexpected or difficult things across our paths, and may it light the way forward. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

The Hermeneutics of Christian Zionism Critiqued - Stephen Sizer

Due to their incorrect interpretation of scripture, Christian Zionists incorrectly set the current nation state of Israel and the Jewish people apart from and above other peoples in the Middle East and all of humanity, when in reality all peoples are fully and coequally human and loved in the the eyes of God.

Christian Zionism encourages the continued military and economic funding of Israel by the United States, identifies with right-wing Israelis who resist negotiating land for peace, reinforces Israel's apartheid policies, and sanctifies the illegal settlement and absorption of the Occupied Territories into the State of Israel.

The most basic hermeneutical error which Christian Zionists consistently repeat is thinking that the Old Covenant before Jesus applies to the current nation state of Israel.

Due to their incorrect interpretation of scripture, Christian Zionists incorrectly set the current nation state of Israel and the Jewish people apart from and above other peoples in the Middle East and all of humanity, when in reality all peoples are fully and coequally human and loved in the the eyes of God.

The reality is that Biblical prophecy is invariably conditional rather than fatalistic. The Christian Zionist's particular reading of both history and contemporary events - determined by the dubious exegesis of highly selective biblical texts as well as their theological presuppositions - is therefore fatalistic. 

The full piece is available here

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Benediction: We Each Have Our Own Role To Play In God's Redemption Plan (based on Ephesians 4:10-13)

As followers of Christ and as members of the family of humankind, we are called to bring God's kingdom to life here on earth as it is in heaven. God is the source of all of the different gifts which we've been given to do that work.

Each of us, in our everyday lives and in our own unique ways, have a part to play in God's redemption plan. So let's make sure to be on the lookout for real life opportunities to bring out the best in everyone and everything.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Benediction: Living Into Our Need For Community Like Jesus Did (based on Genesis 1:26 and John 14:7)

We are hardwired for meaningful connection with each other, which we can develop by living together in the hope and truth of the bottomless love of God. This is what Jesus modeled during his time on earth. 

So in our everyday lives, may God's Spirit move us towards ever deeper and richer relationships and community. Within them, may we experience the grace, peace, and joy that is found in walking life's road with fellow travelers.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Benediction: Loving Each Other In Community (based on Romans 12:10-13)

We are called to love each other in ways that bring out the best in us and the best in everything.  We can be confident in the wisdom of living this way because Jesus modeled how to do it during his time on earth.

Jesus served others enthusiastically, prioritized and welcomed people who society had marginalized, and was patient with those who were struggling.

Jesus gave time and energy in humble service without any ulterior motive of trying to get something in return. Jesus saw relationship and community as transformational, not transactional.

May this be the example that we follow in our everyday lives as the hope of God's indwelling and all-surrounding Spirit sustains us.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Benediction: The Good Shepherd's Abundant Life (based on John 10:10)

May the peace of Jesus go with us now to wherever life takes us. May it guide us through the times of wilderness and storm.  May it accompany us in times of contentment and calm.

Let's allow it to cause abundant life to grow within us, and let's share that abundant life with all as we strive to do God’s work of bringing out the very best in everyone and everything.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Benediction: Not Growing Weary In Doing Good (based on Galatians 6:9-10)

In our everyday lives, may we never grow tired of doing what is right. May we seek justice for all of God’s children and follow Jesus’ example of welcoming everyone.

May we not grow weary of pouring out hope and peace as we seek to nurture The Spirit’s seeds of life and love.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Benediction: Speaking Truth and Listening Openly (based on Ephesians 4:25)

As we live our everyday lives in God's world, may we speak truth so that our words can be a source of grace to all who hear them.  Likewise, may we listen with open minds and receptive hearts so that what we hear can be a source of grace to us.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Benediction: Notice God's Spirit At Work (based on Isaiah 30:21)

May we always be paying attention so that we take notice as God’s spirit works within and around us. May we seek out all of the everyday grace and guidance available to us in this world which God created, called good, and dwells within each and every part of.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Benediction: Recognizing Christ In All (based on Matthew 25:31-46)

by Nathan Nettleton

As followers of Christ, our mission is to help to bring God's kingdom here and now on earth as it is in heaven.

The way to do this is to live as Christ lived. So as we go now to our corners of the world, may we embrace the hope to which God has called us. May we recognize Christ in every single person, and as Christ has been gracious to us, may we be gracious to those in need.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Benediction: Being Aware of God In Each and Every Thing (based on Romans 13:10)

God, help us to remember to listen for your voice in this world which you created and called “good” and to keep our minds open the vast expanse of your love. Help us to allow it to shape who we are.  

God, open our eyes to see your fingerprints in each and every thing that surrounds us, so that every part of our lives will be worship to you.