Monday, August 29, 2022

Benediction: Worship God In Hope (based on Luke 3:6)

based on Seasoned Justice by Reformed Worship

As we go from here back to where we live our everyday lives, may we all share God's love! God’s handiwork comes in many different colors, sizes, shapes and cultures. May we all proclaim God's peace!

May our hearts be filled with God’s grace and our hands be busy doing God's work. Now and with each new day, may we worship God in hope!

Benediction: Being The Hands and Feet of God To The World (based on 1 Corinthians 12:27)

As we go now to be God's presence in the world, may our eyes be open so that we see the world as God sees it. As we go now to be Christ's hands and feet in the world, may our hearts be open to both give and receive.  As we go now to be the Spirit's hope for the world, may our minds be open so that we welcome all as having been wonderfully created in the Divine Image. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Benediction: Wrestling With Our Struggles Is The Way To Growth (based on Genesis 32:22-32)

May we hold onto the hope of God’s love even in the midst of struggle. When times of struggle inevitably come our way, may they help to knock loose the anything within us which has gotten stuck or has become stagnant.

May we always seeking to more fully become who we've been designed to be; people who both reflect and put into action the boundless love, compassion, and grace of God. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Benediction - Growing Towards What We Are Designed To Be (based on Romans 13:10)

God desires to help all of us to continue growing towards becoming the loving, giving, and life-filled people which we are designed to be. As recipients of God's bottomless grace, may we be grace-givers in this world which God created and calls "good."