Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Reflection and Renewal: We're Broken But Also Loved (based on John 16:8)

God, you are loving and kind. Your grace is bottomless and all-encompassing.

But in our lives, there are a lot of voices which tell us that we are somehow outside of your grace. Often these voices tell us that - beyond feeling the appropriate guilt in our conscience when we do a bad thing - we should feel shame about being a bad person; that we're not worthy of being loved because we’re not perfect.

When we take what these voices say to heart, some of us begin to think that we have no value and that if anyone knew the real us, they wouldn't want anything to do with us. Or perhaps some of us try to deny that we’re not perfect and attempt to defend our ego by pretending that we don't have brokeness just like everyone else is.

God, we simply have a difficult time being honest about our shortcomings while also not devaluing ourselves, so we need your grace. Help us to remember that you created us in your image, and that we are a part of the original goodness that you created the entire universe in. Help us to remember that you reaffirmed that goodness when chose to enter into our world in human form and that you chose to suffer alongside of us.

Grace us with the ability to be honest about where we have brokenness while also seeing as ourselves as loved and accepted by you.
