Thursday, January 24, 2019

Call To Worship: Eyes and Hearts Open (based on Ephesians 4:10 and Micah 6:8)

We gather this morning seeking to connect with God, whose presence lives within us and surrounds us. May our eyes be open to see God's goodness so that we view the world as God does. May our hearts be open to God's mercy, so that we care for all of God's world; pouring out justice, kindness, and radical grace.

For God's endless compassion and love, we give thanks and praise.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Reflection & Renewal: Faith Should Be Organic, Not Consumerist (based on Luke 5:16)

God, we are often impatient in life. In our lives, we've come to expect the easy answers, quick fixes, and instant solutions of consumerism. Without thinking, we sometimes take this approach to faith. When this happen, we often treat our relationship with you as if you're a fast food drive through or an ATM.

We can also fall into treating scripture this way; looking to it for the easy, quick answers which we hope it will supply - instead of taking the time to listen for, and dwell in, the questions that it may ask of us.

God, you've called us to live out our faith like Jesus did; in a way that's deeper and integrated into our entire lives, as a way of life to be continually growing in throughout our time in your world.

But we're often so busy that we think we don't have the time for such in-depth living, and as a result,  our lives can end up feeling shallow, plastic, and hollow.

So help us to pause; to shift out of auto-pilot, and to be willing to dive into the depths of your way of life instead of racing around on the surface. Grace us with patient spirits, reflective minds, and open hearts.


Sunday, January 13, 2019

Call To Worship: God, We Look To You (based on James 1:17)

God, as we gather now, we look to you. As our source of life, make us new again. As our source of hope, give us peace and joy. As our source of love, help us to grow in grace.

In gratitude for your all-encompassing goodness, we come to give thanks and praise.