Thursday, January 25, 2018

Call To Worship: Love God and Love People (based on Mark 12:30-31)

As followers of Christ, we are called to bring a hopeful understanding of our world; declaring that God called the created universe "good."  We are called to bring this hope in God with us wherever we go,  declaring that God makes all things new again.

Jesus taught that we should love God and love one another. So let's join together in our love of God to worship and give thanks.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Some Celebrity Preachers Still Defending/Justiftying Trump Despite Adultery - Jeff Wiersma

Those celebrity pastors who have chosen the role of Trump apologists aren’t distinguishing themselves.

It’s still hard to figure out why Trump, of all people, is the hill they are choosing to die on - but power is seductive. Jesus' example of refusing the temptation of it and very intentionally eschewing it are instructive.

There’s a middle ground to be found between apathy towards politics and being so beholden to partisanship that ends are deemed to be justifying of means.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ways U.S. Churches Can Welcome Immigrants - Christian Reformed Church of North America

In the Bible, strangers are often used by God to bring blessing. Immigrants today are a blessing to our congregations, communities, families, economy, and country. They are created in the image of God.

And God expressly, and repeatedly, commands us to welcome the stranger. This resource shares ten ideas for showing hospitality and experiencing the blessings immigrants bring.

You can preview and download the resource here