Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Is A Regularly Attending Congregation A Thing Of The Past? Victor Ko in The Banner

Culture is shifting seismically and that shift is shaping the life of the local church.

Gone are the days when the majority of church members attended worship 50 out of 52 Sundays, committing themselves to the ministry and membership of their local church.

We’re witnessing a cultural phenomenon in which many church-goers with demanding careers and busy lifestyles during the week are able to attend and commit less.

So ... what are some of the reasons behind this trend?

Kid's Activities
One cultural phenomenon is the growing number of children who play sports or engage in other group activities. Many of these sporting events or extracurricular activities take place on weekends—and more and more parents are choosing their children’s sports and hobbies over church activities.

Studies show that parents get involved in their children’s sporting and hobby activities earlier—by age 5—and extend their involvement longer—until they graduate from high school.

Weekend Work
More of us are working on weekends. An increasing number of North Americans are taking their work home on weekends, trying to meet deadlines or catch up on projects. Some are simply trying to fulfill the heavy requirements of their job description. And depending on where people live and what kind of work they do, it’s not unusual for them to travel out of town for work. Some commute weekly or daily; others are required to work night and weekend shifts.

Blended and Single-Parent Families
These days, more and more blended families and single-parent families are represented in church membership. So what’s this got to do with church attendance or commitment to a local congregation? Church leaders and members alike need to realize that when parents share custody of their children, they may see them only 26 Sundays a year.

Transportation is also a factor in this equation. This is true especially in my own context. Most of the single parents in my congregation do not own a vehicle and struggle financially. Adding to this reality, the challenge of taking babies or young children on public transit during long winters is a formidable obstacle.

Self-Directed Spirituality
People in general, both inside and outside of church, are turning less to churches and clergy to help them grow spiritually. In an age when information and knowledge are ubiquitous, we can search online for just about everything, from shopping and news to health-related items. A characteristic of the postmodern mind is a decline in our trust of and reliance on institutionalized religion. Many people attempt to meet their spiritual needs all on their own, apart from the body of Christ.

One thing is certain: our culture is shifting seismically. And that shift is shaping the life of the local church.

The full article is available here

Monday, September 28, 2015

Call To Worship: God's Blessings (based on Psalm 100)

We gather to celebrate the goodness and love of God.

God is faithful and just and God's promises stand the test of time. God’s grace and mercy sustain us.
God is our source of light and life.

For all of these blessings and more, let's share our praise and thanksgiving!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Reflection and Renewal: Judging Others By How They Meet Our Needs (based on James 2:4)

God, we’re grateful that you’ve designed us for connection and relationship.  It is a wonderful reminder that your very essence is love and communion.

But we often get off track. We tend to pin all of our hopes for happiness on a person or people and we often judge people based on how they can meet our needs. When we do this, we take something that you designed and turn it into an idol.

Forgive us.

Help us to find our true joy and happiness by walking with you through our everyday lives. Help us to stay plugged into your main frame. From there, help us to bridge the distances between us, to serve other’s needs and live life at its fullest.


Benediction: Recognize and Celebrate Connection (based on Colossians 1:17)

May we have grace to trust God’s presence even when we feel alone.  May we recognize and celebrate how we are all connected to each other through God’s love and compassion.

Responsive Call To Worship: God Is Always Within and Around Us (based on 1 Corinthians 3:16)

Reader: God is gracious and merciful ...
ALL: God is full of compassion and love.
Reader: Even though we may feel alone ...
ALL: God is always within and around us.

Reader: May our hearts and souls be filled with gratitude
ALL: Let's join together and give thanks.