Monday, January 26, 2015

Reflection and Renewal: Lack of Awareness (based on Matthew 6:6)


Even though you want to have connection with us, sometimes the idea of praying seems foreign and scary. Sometimes we feel ashamed and guilty because we don’t think we pray as much as we should. Our understanding of prayer remains limited and we remain stuck.

And sometimes, when we pray we are shallow, treating you like some kind of vending machine instead of being aware of your presence that already surrounds us.  We are one-sided, asking always for mercy and compassion, but not pursuing the same in your world.

Forgive us. Give us another chance to appreciate the fullness of your love. Help us to shed our self-interest and find joy in serving your work of setting things right.

Thank you that you continually move within and around us. Give us eyes to see and eyes to hear.


Benediction: Take Time For God's Presence (based on Luke 5:16)

In a world of seemingly endless hustle and bustle, may we take the time for quiet, for reflection.

May we take the time to more fully discover God's presence within and around us.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Come and See - Kayla McClurg in inward/outward

What kind of God did people “come and see” in Jesus? What can they expect to see in the likes of you or me?

What did people see in Jesus? We tend to make him into a paper-thin replica of our ideas of “holy” rather than let him be the full range of human emotion and being.

I see a peacemaker, reconciler, voice for the voiceless, full of compassion and truth-telling. As well as provocateur, uprooter, sometimes a bit sarcastic and short-tempered. He is a loyal friend and trusted confidant, steady in times of trouble.

Even so, he tires of our whining, urges us to grow up and take responsibility for repairing our sorry messes. What kind of God did people “come and see” in Jesus? What can they expect to see in the likes of you or me?

But is there any resemblance at all? Do we leave some trail of evidence that grace shows up in plain human form?

Watch whom we seek out and whom we avoid. Attend the events we attend; go to our movies, read our magazines, see how we spend our money and time. Worry as much as we worry. Frequent the same web sites, read what we read, write the letters we write, make our phone calls. Help others as often as we help, show kindness to the extent we do, be as honest as we are honest. Allow the injustice we allow. Carry the burdens we carry. Offer up the prayers we pray.

Come and see who we are behind the scenes, what makes us cry, what makes us laugh. See if the rumors of our inspirited life are true.

The full article is available here