Saturday, April 26, 2014

Responsive Call To Worship: The Trinity (based on 2 Corinthians 13:14)

Reader: We’ve come together to praise God the Trinity;
3 divine persons in one being.

All: The words you speak, God ...
Reader: ... are the life, the sustenance,
of all that is – seen and unseen.

All: The life you give, Jesus ...
Reader: ... is the recreation, the renewed birth of every
broken and wounded creature.

All: The breath you breath, Spirit ...
Reader:  ... is the inspiration for creativity,
compassion and community

All: Life-giving, Life-restoring, Life-fulfilling God ...
Reader: ... may our worship seek to honor you.
May our hearts be devoted to you.

All: May we grow in love, with every part of our lives
being worship to you.