Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Is Your Worship Welcoming to Those Not Like You? - David W. Manner at The Ooze

Conflict often arises is when a congregation changes its culture in order to be intentionally welcoming to those not like them. 

Welcoming includes those who are not and may never be present. Welcoming worship accommodates culturally, contextually, and systematically.

Welcoming worship is not just what we do on Sunday, it is who we are and how we treat people out in the world every day. Welcoming worship purposefully considers those who are often neglected and easily ignored.

Most congregations can answer affirmatively when asked if their worship welcomes those not like them…all are welcome if or when they come.  Where conflict often arises is when a congregation changes its culture in order to be intentionally welcoming to those not like them. 

  • Welcome is passive. Welcoming is active.
  • Welcome is safe. Welcoming is usually risky.
  • Welcome may be accidental. Welcoming is always deliberate.
  • Welcome is comfortable. Welcoming can stretch.
  • Welcome satisfies givers. Welcoming won’t pay the bills.
  • Welcome tolerates. Welcoming embraces.

The full article is available here